A game made by: 13 Series Engineering
Image of a treasure map

Just Go

Welcome to JustGo.fun where we take scavenger hunts to the next level, play with your friends or people around the world!


How It Works

Create an account, start a new game, add items to your scavenger list. You can add any item you can think of or let us choose random items for an added challenge!

What's The Point?

We want you to get out there and have some fun, think outside the box and be a part of your community. Scavenger hunts don't have to be traditional items, like a green crayon or a pine cone, they can be fun, adult things. Go to your favorite sporting event and take a selfie from the top row, see a local jazz band, get a BLT from a famous deli, catch a sunset overlooking the city, or even do something charitable for the homeless!

What You Need

You need a phone with a working camera to add proof of the items you've found and that's it. You can play solo, or with anyone on this planet!